Clustering made easy with pacemaker/corosync

In the first part of this series, you learned how to set up your webservers and the loadbalancer. Now, let’s move on with how to plan, build and configure a cluster with high availability. Before we can start, you have to set up one more loadbalancer, lb-2, as...

Loadbalancing made easy with haproxy

This is the start of a three-part series showing you how to install, configure and handle a loadbalancer in front of two webservers. We will also learn how to integrate a cluster taking ownership of the components running on each node. One very common scenario in a...

OpenStack und Nvidia Grafikkarten

Grafikkarten berechnen bestimmte Aufgaben effektiver als Prozessoren. Rechenintensive Anwendungen wie KI und Deep Learning profitieren davon besonders. Nvidia stellt auf genau diese Anwendungsfälle spezialisierte Highend-Grafikkarten her, die in virtuellen Umgebungen...